Wednesday, February 15, 2012



(Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
(This following recipe is written in Bahasa Indonesia, English Version Below)

Lime Cheesecake
Bahan - bahan:
250 gr butter tawar (lelehkan), bisa diganti dengan butter asin
200 gr biskuit/cracker tanpa flavor
750 gr cream cheese atau 3 pak X 250 gr cream cheese
2 kaleng susu kental manis (sekitar 375 - 395 ml per kaleng) 
2 buah lemon atau lemon nipis (peras dan gunakan air dari keduanya)

Cara Membuat:
  • Lelehkan butter dengan api sedang. Lalu diamkan sampai mencapai suhu ruang.
  • Sementara itu, potong aluminium foil untuk menutupi cetakan kue (bundar atau segiempat)
  • Masukkan biskuit/cracker ke dalam resealable bag, hancurkan dengan rolling pin kayu atau menggunakan food processor, sehalus mungkin.
  • Dalam mangkok, campur remah biskuit yang sudah halus dengan lelehan butter yang sudah dingin, untuk membuat crust (lapisan bawah cheesecake).
  • Tuang campuran crust ke dalam cetakan kue. Disebar dan ditekan-tekan menggunakan bagian bawah gelas anggur (wine glass). Usahakan semua dasar loyang tertutupi/jangan ada celah. Simpan dalam lemari pendingin sekitar 5 - 10 menit.
  • Kocok dengan mixer cream cheese, air lemon atau lemon nipis, dan susu kental manis, hingga lembut.
  • Tuang campuran ini ke atas crust yang sudah mengeras dan lengket. Haluskan bagian atas dengan spatula.
  • Simpan dalam lemari pendingin setidaknya 2 - 3 jam sebelum dihidangkan.

English Version


250 g unsalted butter (melted)
200 g plain biscuits (cookies/crackers)
750 g cream cheese or 3 packets X 250 g cream cheese
2 tins of sweetened condensed milk  (approx. 375 - 395 ml) 
fresh juice of 2 large lemons or limes (about 1/2 cup of juice)
* you must use juice from the lemon not from the bottle whatsoever.

  • Melt the butter over medium - low heat. Let the butter sit until it reaches room temperature.
  • Meanwhile, cover the mold/tin pan with foil.
  • Crushing cookies/crackers using resealable bag and rolling pin or using food processor.
  • In a bowl, mix the crumbs and melted butter together. This will be the crust or the base of the cheesecake.
  • Pour the crust into square or round pan/mold, and spread evenly to cover the bottom of the pan/mold, so there's no gaps. Take a flat bottom wine glass, press down on the bottom of the pan, so the crust will be flat and stuck on the pan. Keep it in the fridge for about 5 - 10 mins.
  • Cut cream cheese into cubes. Put them in the mixer. Add 2 tins of condensed milk. Then add in the juice of 2 lemons or limes. Mix all together about 2 mins or until they're thick .
  • Pour the cream cheese topping to the crust. 
  • Pop it into the fridge within 2 - 3 hours and it's ready to serve.

Click the link below for a conversion chart
Metric Conversion Chart - Grams To Pounds

Tuesday, February 14, 2012



(Indonesian Coconut Pudding, Tidak Dipanggang)

(Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
(The Following Recipe is written in Bahasa Indonesia, English Version Below)

Bahan - bahan:

50 gr tepung custard (bisa diganti dengan tepung maizena)
25 gr tepung terigu 
3 kuning telur (kocok biasa)
75 gr mentega
1/4 sdt garam halus
350 ml susu cair
400 - 500 ml santan
1 - 2 buah kelapa muda (ambil dagingnya saja)
50 gr kenari cincang
10 cm kayu manis
25 gr kismis (atau sesuai selera)
kayu manis bubuk secukupnya, kismis, irisan kenari untuk garnish dan taburan.
Optional : untuk tekstur yang lebih lembut, tambahkan 250 ml air kelapa muda segar. Jika ingin, tambahkan 1 sdt rum esens, 1/2 sdt bubuk vanilli.

Cara Membuat:

  • Kukus atau rebus sebentar kelapa muda agar tidak berlendir, lalu potong - potong kecil.
  • Sementara mengukus kelapa muda, panaskan santan dan 200 ml susu cair dengan api sedang (gas mark 3).
  • Larutkan tepung custard/maizena dan tepung terigu dengan 150ml susu cair.
  • Setelah rebusan santan dan susu cair mendidih, matikan api dan masukkan mentega sambil diaduk.
  • Masukkan larutan tepung custard/maizena & tepung terigu perlahan lahan sambil terus diaduk.
  • Masukkan telur yang sudah dikocok, gula, bubuk vanilli (jika suka), potongan kelapa muda, dan kayu manis.
  • Hidupkan api (sedang) dan aduk pelan semua campuran bahan hingga mengental, lalu masukkan kenari.
  • Setelah meletup - letup, masukkan kismis sambil terus di aduk.
  • Diamkan selama 30 menit - 1 jam. Setelah dingin, dapat ditambahkan rum essence secukupnya (rasa nikmat tidak berkurang, tanpa rum essence).
  • Tuang ke dalam loyang roti atau cup es krim, lalu garnish dengan taburan kayu manis, potongan kenari dan kismis.

* Untuk 12 - 13 cup.

Note: rum essence dan bubuk vanilli mengandung alkohol.

(English Version)


50 g custard powder or cornstarch
25 g all purpose flour
3 egg yolks (beat with fork or whisk)
75 g margarine 
1/4 tsp table salt
350 ml milk
400 - 500 ml *coconut milk (the water that comes from the grated meat of a coconut)
1 or 2 green young coconuts (use the meat from both)
50 g canary nuts (finely minced)
10 cm/ 4 inches cinnamon stick
25 g raisins (or more if you like)
enough cinnamon powder, some extra raisins and sliced canary nuts, for garnish
Optional : For softer texture, add 250 ml fresh coconut water. Also if you like, add 1 tsp rum essence, 1/2 tsp vanilli powder or vanilla essence.

*Coconut milk is made from simmering one part shredded coconut in one part water.

  • Steam or boil young coconut meats for a few minutes, so they aren't easily gone bad. Then cut them into small dice.
  • Meanwhile, you can boil coconut milk and 200 ml milk, with medium heat (gas mark 3) or lower.
  • Dissolve custard powder and flour in a bowl with 150 ml milk.
  • When the mixture of coconut milk and milk reach the boiling point, turn off the heat. Add margarine and stir to melt.
  • Add the dissolved custard powder and flour and keep stirring gently.
  • Sift the beaten egg yolks into the mixture while stirring gently, add sugar, diced young coconut meats, and cinnamon stick, (also add vanilli powder or vanilla essence if you like).
  • Turn back the heat in medium level and stir gently the mixture until it's thick enough to coat the back of the spoon, then add minced canary nuts.
  • Once the mixture starts bubbling, add raisins and stir gently.
  • Turn of the heat, and let the mixture sit for about 30 mins to an hour.
  • Once it's cooled add a teaspoon of rum essence, if you like
  • Pour the mixture into loaf pan or ice cream cups with lids. 
  • Garnish with sprinkle of cinnamon powder, sliced canary nuts, and raisins.

* Servings: makes about 12 cups (small size of ice cream cup).

note: rum essence and vanilli powder contain alcohol.

Click the following links to find out more about: 

Monday, February 13, 2012


(Bahasa Indonesia Version)

Egg Tarts


140 gr butter
½  telur (kocok biasa/tidak sampai berbusa)
70 gr gula halus
200gr tepung terigu

140 gr gula
300 ml air
4 telur
80 ml susu full cream evaporated
(*alternative: susu full cream condensed. Kalau pake susu kental manis, sebaiknya jangan ditambah gula lagi ke dalam egg filling).


Langkah I: Buat adonan butter pastry/tart crust.

1.      Campur tepung terigu, gula halus, telur dalam loyang ukuran sedang
2.      Potong – potong butter seperti dadu besar
3.      Segera campur potongan butter ke bagian no. 1
4.      Hancurkan butter dengan cara diremas dengan tangan bersama campuran no 1.
5.      Tabur tepung jika adonan masih lengket, ulangi hingga adonan tidak lengket lagi pada loyang.
6.      Saat adonan tidak lengket lagi pada loyang, tutup dengan cling wrap atau plastik biasa.
7.      Simpan adonan dalam lemari pendingin, kurang lebih 20 menit.

Langkah II: Menyiapkan Egg Custard Filling
  • Jika menggunakan susu evaporated (susu kental tawar)

Rebus air dan gula (tidak perlu diaduk)
Setelah mendidih diamkan sampai dingin
Campur air gula, susu, telur, dan aduk dan kocok biasa hingga semua bahan tercampur.
  • Jika menggunakan susu condensed (susu kental manis)

Campur air, susu kental manis, telur, dan aduk dan kocok biasa hingga semua bahan tercampur.

Langkah III: Setelah adonan tart crust siap (setelah 20 menit di lemari pendingin)

1.      Ambil adonan pastry sedikit-sedikit (kira – kira sebanyak ukuran cetakan pastry) bulatkan, lalu pipihkan.
2.      Letakkan pada cetakan, taburi bagian atas pastry dengan tepung secukupnya, lalu tekan – tekan adonan ke arah pinggir cetakan hingga menutupi cetakan (membentuk tart pastry).
3.      Rapikan pinggirnya, usahakan bagian pinggir tart pastry sedikit lebih tinggi dari cetakan
4.      Tuang campuran egg filling ke dalam tart pastry (80% full)
5.      Oven segera dengan suhu 2000C (gas mark 6) selama 15 – 20 menit.

(English Version)


140g butter (0,308 lb)
½  an egg (beat, but don't over beat it)
70g sugar (0,154 lb)
200g plain flour (all purpose flour) (0.440 lb)

140 gr sugar (0,308 lb)
300 ml water
4 eggs
80 ml full cream evaporated milk


Step 1
Mix and knead butter pastry ingredients into a dough
Spread some flour to your working area and knead it there
Keep kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic or springs back when you poke it.
Refrigerated the dough for 20 mins or until it's in a workable state

Step 2
Boil water and sugar ( No stirring is required at this point)
Leave it to cool

Step 3
When the dough is ready, press the dough over your tart mould 
Spread some flour on it then press with two tumbs (do not stretch the dough, as that will create shrinkage 
when you bake it)
Using scissor of knife, trim the dough evenly. 
The edge should be slightly higher than the tin.

Step 4
Mix milk and eggs into water and sugar, whisk!
Sift the mixture

Step 5
Pour the egg filling into the tart crusts
Egg filling should be 80% full
Bake immediately

Step 6
Bake at 200 0C (400 0F = gas mark 6)
I place my egg tarts on the middle rack in the oven
When a toothpick can stand upright, the egg tarts are ready.

Click the following link to find out more about:  Grams To Pounds (g to lbs) Conversion

Have fun (^;